Friday, August 9, 2013

Sciatica Exercises for Sciatica Pain Relief

For most instances of sciatica pain, a specific, controlled, progressive exercise program that is tailored around the underlying cause of the sciatic pain will be part of the recommended treatment program. The specific sciatica exercises serve two main purposes:
  • Reduces the sciatic pain in the near term
  • Provides conditioning to help prevent future recurrences of the pain
A physical therapist, chiropractor, physiatrist (PM&R, or Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation physician), certified athletic trainer (ATC), or other spine specialist who treats the leg pain and other symptoms will typically prescribe specific exercises and teach the patient how to do them.

Exercise Provides Sciatica Pain Relief

While it may seem counterintuitive, exercise is usually better for relieving sciatic pain than bed rest. Patients may rest for a day or two after their sciatic pain flares up, but after that time period, inactivity will usually make the pain worse.
Without exercise and movement, the back muscles and spinal structures become deconditioned and less able to support the back. The deconditioning and weakening can lead to back injury and strain, which causes additional pain. In addition, active exercise is also important for the health of the spinal discs. Movement helps exchange nutrients and fluids within the discs to keep them healthy and prevent pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Typical features of any sciatica exercise program include:
  • Core muscle strength. Many sciatica exercises serve to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles in order to provide more support for the back. Stretching exercises for sciatica target muscles that cause pain when they are tight and inflexible. When patients engage in a regular program of gentle strengthening and stretching exercises, they can recover more quickly from a flare up of sciatica and are less likely to experience future episodes of pain.
  • Specific diagnosis. Most exercise programs will be tailored to address the underlying cause of the patient’s sciatic pain, such as a lumbar herniated disc or spinal stenosis. Doing the wrong type of exercise can worsen the sciatic pain, so it is important to get an accurate diagnosis prior to starting a program of sciatica exercises.
  • Hamstring stretching. Regardless of the diagnosis, most types of sciatica will benefit from a regular routine of hamstring stretching. The hamstrings are muscles located in the back of the thigh. Overly tight hamstrings increase the stress on the low back and often aggravate or even cause some of the conditions that result in sciatica.
  • Exercise correctly. As an adjunct to the above point, doing the right exercises but doing them without proper form can make the exercises relatively ineffective, and possibly may lead to continued or increased pain. It is generally advisable to learn the exercises under the guidance of an appropriately trained health practitioner, such as a physical therapist, chiropractor or physiatrist.
  • Aerobic exercises. In addition to specific sciatica exercises, aerobic conditioning may also be encouraged for general body fitness. Walking is an excellent form of exercise for the low back because it is relatively low impact but can provide all the benefits of an aerobic workout. If possible, it is best to gradually progress to doing up to three miles of exercise walking at a brisk pace each day.

  • Caring for sciatica should be considered part of one's daily living, not just something to add to the routine at the end of the day. In addition to an exercise routine, patients with sciatica should minimize everyday stress on the lower back, including using appropriate ergonomics while lifting, maintaining good posture, making sure the lower back is supported while sitting, and avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time.

    Article courtesy of Ron S. Miller, PT  and Spine-Health

    Though these exercises may provide some relief of sciatic pain, most of our patients with these types of symptoms benefit greatly from chiropractic and spinal decompression.  Total Health of Naples offers non-surgical spinal decompression treatment to alleviate the pain associated with stenosis, herniated discs and bulging discs.  Don't delay call our Naples, FL chiropractic and spinal decompression office today at 239-260-1426 or go to to schedule your consultation to see how we can help.

    Monday, August 5, 2013

    What is a TPI Certified Professional ?

    This article was originally posted on the TPI website by lead instructor Dave Phillips.  It gives a profound understanding about the different certifications offered by TPI.
    The TPI certification program was formed in 2005 and has many different tracks.  All TPI certified professionals take the Level one certification class that gives them the tools necessary to identify that your body is the reason you swing the way you do. The class also gives them some basic tools to help fix your problem. After level one the individual chooses their level of expertise and follows two more tracks in their level of expertise to further refine their ability to help the golfer.

    The tracks that are available are: 

    Fitness level 2 and 3: This gives the fitness professional the tools necessary to build exercise programs and progressions to build strength, speed, mobility and stability in the golfer.

    Medical Level 2 and 3: This track takes the medical professional into advanced screening to pinpoint and create a plan to find and attack injuries, they also learn how to provide rehabilitation for injured golfers of all levels.

    Golf Mechanics Level 2 and 3: Designed for the golf professional that wants to improve their dignostic skills and capabilities these classes look into ball flight, club fitting advanced biomechanics of the full swing and shortgame to help develop the golf professional that wants to enhance their ability to help any level of golfer.

    Golf Coaching Level 2 and 3: These advanced coaching classes teach golf professionals how to coach by understanding motor learning and how to create and build practice programs to prepare students for any level of competition.

    Power Level 2 and 3: Attended by Fitness, Golf and Medical professionals that are interested in learning how to develop speed and power the correct way. This explores the body, biomechanics and club fitting in order to maximize a students ability to create power. Faculty include five times world long drive champion Jason Zubak.

    Junior Coach Level 2 and 3: This class is designed for those individuals seeking to understand the science and research behind children and looks at growth velocity, bio logical age and when and what age juniors should be learning skill and training for power.
    As you can see TPI is truly a university and currently has over 10000 TPI Certified professionals in 57 countries. As of the end of the 2012 golf season, of the top 30 golfers in the world rankings 23 of them were working with TPI Certified teams. If you want to find a TPI Certified Expert to help you with your game, click on the TPI Certified tab and find an expert in your area by simply putting in your zip code. If you want to take your game to the next level, get stronger, injury free and have a better overall golf game, you owe it to yourself to get evaluated by one of the amazing men and women that are TPI Certified.

    Total Health of Naples is the only facility in town that has a TPI certified doctor.  Our chiropractor, Dr. Michael J. Paralovos has been certified by TPI since 2009 and since then has treated hundreds of golf related injuries.  Dr. Paralovos originally sought out the TPI certification as he himself is golf enthusiast and has treated many PGA touring pros.  If your game is being limited by pain, insufficient recovery contact Total Health of Naples today to see how we can help.  Go to or call 239-260-1426 to schedule your appointment today!

    Tuesday, July 23, 2013

    Functional Rehabilitation in Naples, Fl

    Many people come to Total Health of Naples with complaints of neck pain, back pain, headaches, sciatica, disc problems and the list goes on.  What many people often overlook is how did this ache, pain or dysfunction occur?  If somebody moves well and has proper mobility of their muscles and joints it is a fair assumption that they likely won’t have any musculoskeletal problems.  What we need to realize is that most people don’t fit into this demographic because of the daily stressors that we endure.  For example, sitting in front of computers, sitting in the car, sitting on the couch, sitting while texting…..did I mention sitting? Defaulting into lousy positions eventually builds neuroplasticity thus our bodies take on that bad shape and it results in horrible posture.  Fast forward and imagine someone who sits at a desk job day in and day out, from a clinical perspective we’d see the classic lower and upper crossed syndromes.  With having this dysfunctional default position it is safe to say that we won’t move optimally, causing a risk factor for injuries. 

    Total Health of Naples goes beyond the pain syndromes by restoring movement patterns back to the patient so that these problems are not recurring.  We do this by implementing functional rehabilitation.  Functional rehab is any modality that will aid in restoring normal movement patterns.  Simply decreasing inflammation and pain can increase function or PNF stretching hamstrings for greater range of motion can be examples from different ends of the spectrum.  Modalities can be as complex as specific kinetic chain exercises or even as simples as basic physiotherapies (ice/heat).  Dr. Michael J. Paralovos has developed a unique approach to correcting human dysfunction.  By specifically designing treatment programs for his patients with the latest advancements in soft tissue therapy, neurology and biomechanics coupled with home care exercises and ergonomics patients generally get well faster and better than most other chiropractic or physical rehab centers.

    If you are tired of the one size fits all paradigm for neck pain, back pain, headaches, sciatica and disc problems, it may be time to contact Total Health of Naples for a consultation.  Our doctor is the leader in functional rehab and our patients would agree.  For more information visit or call 239-260-1426.

    Monday, July 15, 2013

    Chiropractic Adjustment: Is a headache “normal?”

    The nervous system controls and regulates the entire body and all of its functions. The connection between improved health and chiropractic care is obvious to those who receive regular chiropractic adjustments. Each time you receive a chiropractic adjustment, you are improving your potential for health and wellness.
    Are you tired of living with headache pain day after day? Have you ever wondered why you have headaches? Do you know how many headaches you have each month? It could be four, eight, or even 20 headaches per month. Some people experience headache pain all day, every day. Are they caused by stress or tension?
    Is there such a thing as a "normal" headache? The answer is no! It is not normal to have headaches! However, many people endure the same type of headaches month after month, not knowing there is help available.
    Following an initial examination to rule out things like high blood pressure or eye strain, the doctor of chiropractic will carefully examine your spine. The cause of the majority of headaches is usually found to be an irritated nerve in the upper neck. A chiropractor can locate and correct that irritating nerve, thereby eliminating the cause of most headaches.
    After a gentle chiropractic adjustment, most people will notice that the frequency and severity of their headaches diminish significantly, often after the first adjustment. It is possible to live month after month free from headaches and experience an enhanced quality of life.
    Call Total Health of Naples today or go to for more information about the benefits of a chiropractic adjustment and to schedule an appointment. Our chiropractor has advanced training in neurology and corrective chiropractic care is committed to helping the residents of Naples, Fl live free from the debilitating pain of headaches!
    Content courtesy of McKim Chiropractic Centers

    Friday, July 12, 2013

    More Than Half Suffering From Untreated Back, Neck Pain

    A newly published study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics suggests that one-half to two-thirds of the population suffer from recurring back or neck pain. Researchers conducted face-to-face interviews with over 1000 Croatian participants, roughly split along male and female lines. They found that nearly 67 percent of women and 63 percent of men reported experiencing back pain. Further, 58 percent of women and 54 percent of men reported recurring neck pain. After tallying the combined results the researchers concluded that approximately half to two-thirds of the research subjects experienced frequent untreated pain that impacted the quality of their lives. Research indicates that most back and neck aliments are far better addressed by non-invasive treatments like chiropractic care than by traditional surgical remedies. Also, research has shown chiropractic care to be less expensive, far less dangerous and more effective than surgery as a treatment for the majority of these issues.

    Dr. Michael J. Paralovos, DC and Total Health of Naples are the leaders in correcting low back pain and neck pain in Naples, FL.  Don't suffer anymore call 239-260-1426 or go to to schedule your appointment.

    For more information on the latest research on health, wellness, nutrition and chiropractic care go to and sign up for our newsletter.

    Source: JMPT. Volume 36, Issue 5, Pages 267-275, June 2013.
    Copyright: LLC 2013

    Friday, June 28, 2013

    The Fastest Way to Get Rid of Your Kids!

    Kid’s vitamins are supposed to be healthy, right? Well, then what's going on with Flintstones Vitamins, which proudly claims to be "Pediatricians' #1 Choice"?  Produced by the global pharmaceutical corporation Bayer, this wildly successful brand features a shocking list of unhealthy ingredients, including:

    On Bayer Health Science's Flintstones product page designed for healthcare professionals, they lead into the product description with the following tidbit of information: 82% of kids aren't eating all of their veggies1. Without enough vegetables, kids may not be getting all of the nutrients they need.

    References: 1. Lorson BA, Melgar-Quinonez HR, Taylor CA. Correlates of fruit and vegetable intakes in US children. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109(3):474-478.
    The implication: Flintstones vitamins somehow fill this nutritional void. But let's look a little closer at some of these presumably healthy ingredients....

    ASPARTAME: Aspartame is a synthetic combination of the amino acids aspartic acid and l-phenylalanine and is known to convert into highly toxic methanol and formaldehyde in the body.  Aspartame has been linked to over 40 adverse health effects in the biomedical literature, and has been shown to exhibit both neurotoxicity and carcinogenicity [1].What business does a chemical like this have in a children's vitamin, especially when non-toxic, non-synthetic non-nutritive sweeteners like stevia already exist?

    CUPRIC OXIDE: According to the European Union's Dangerous Substance Directive, one of the main EU laws concerning chemical safety, Cupric Oxide is listed as a Hazardous substance, classified as both "Harmful" and "Dangerous for the environment." It has industrial applications as a pigment in ceramics, and as a chemical in the production of rayon fabric and dry cell batteries. [2]

    COAL TAR ARTIFICIAL COLORING AGENTS: A well-known side effect of using synthetic dyes is attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. There is also indication that the neurotoxicity of artificial food coloring agents increase when combined with aspartame[3], making the combination of ingredients in Flintstones even more concerning.

    ZINC OXIDE: Widely used as a sun protection factor (SPF) in sunscreens, The EU's Dangerous Substance Directive classifies it as an environmental Hazard, "Dangerous for the environment."  How can it be dangerous to the environment, but not for the humans ingesting it? 

    FERROUS FUMARATE: Ferrous Fumarate is so toxic that accidental overdose of products containing this form is "a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6." The manufacturer further warns: Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.

    HYDROGENATED SOYBEAN OIL: Finding hydrogenated oil in anything marketed to children is absolutely unacceptable. These semi-synthetic fatty acids incorporate into our tissues and have been linked to over a dozen adverse health effects, from coronary artery disease to cancer, violent behavior to fatty liver disease.[5]

    [1], Adverse Health Effects of Aspartame
    [2], FLINSTONES Complete Chewable, Nutritional Info Overview
    [3] Karen Lau, W Graham McLean, Dominic P Williams, C Vyvyan Howard. Synergistic interactions between commonly used food additives in a developmental neurotoxicity test. Toxicol Sci. 2006 Mar;90(1):178-87. Epub 2005 Dec 13. PMID: 16352620
    [4], Sorbitol's Adverse Health Effects
    [5], Health Effects of Hydrogenated Oil

    Article originally posted by Elevation Health
    For quality nutrition and functional medicine care for your children and yourself contact Total Health of Naples, the premier center for chiropractic and wellness in Naples, Fl.  Total Health of Naples is located in north Naples, Fl at the Greentree Professional Center call 239-260-1426 or go to to schedule your appointment.

    Thursday, May 30, 2013

    Chiropractic for Crossfit in Naples, FL

    Crossfit is a high intense interval training program that encompasses various exercises that typically include a combination of gymnastics, Olympic weight lifting and power lifting.  The emphasis is to achieve increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains.  Physical and athletic prowess is best achieved when targeting the ten general physical skills as outlined by crossfit:

    1.        Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance

    Photo Courtesy of Crossfit Blaze Naples, FL
    2.       Stamina

    3.       Strength

    4.       Power

    5.       Speed

    6.       Coordination

    7.       Agility

    8.       Balance

    9.       Accuracy

    10.   Flexibility/mobility

    All of the above mentioned physical skills are limited or enhanced by flexibility/mobility.  In order to have great performance or prevent an injury, high demands are placed on optimal range of motion through all planes of movement.  For example, if an individual were to perform a basic movement such as a deadlift and lacked hamstring flexibility it is likely that difficulty would be experienced or even injury could occur.  During this movement tight hamstrings would decrease the ability of the athlete to translate their hips back in the start position thus likely causing a poor lift or compensating for that stiffness and injuring the lower back. 

    Total Health of Naples offers specific chiropractic care to help restore lost range of motion and optimize athletic performance that the crossfit community demands.  Our Naples, FL chiropractor also implements functional rehab prescribed exercises to assist with the restoration of optimal movement patterns as it relates to crossfit.  Whether your condition is an acute injury or a joint restriction, the chiropractor at Total Health of Naples is prepared for all clinical presentations.  Dr. Michael J. Paralovos  is a Crossfit Level 1 trainer and a Crossfit Mobility trainer that works with many of the local crossfit athletes and boxes, helping to unlock those stiff joints, tight muscles and repair those injured areas.  If you or someone you know participates in Crossfit type workouts and feel as though your body doesn’t respond to new movements or you feel like you keep hurting yourself it is time to be evaluated.  Call Total Health of Naples at 239-260-1426 or visit our website to schedule your consultation today.

    Total Health of Naples is the leader in helping crossfit athletes overcome injuries and prevent new injuries from occurring.  We are located in the Greentree Professional Center at 

    10661 Airport-Pulling Road, suite 11

    Naples, FL 34109



    Wednesday, May 29, 2013

    Spinal Decompression for Neck Pain

    Non-surgical spinal decompression is one of the best resources for treating neck pain that arises from a musculoskeletal origin.  Generally neck pain that is characterized as musculoskeletal is often thought as the pain that accompanies injuries.   Injuries can be acute, which essentially means that they happened instantaneous, such as a motor vehicle crash or they can even be of a repetitive nature like sitting in front of a computer for prolonged periods of time.  Such injuries can result in herniated and bulging discs, sprained ligaments, muscle spasms, headaches, pinched/compressed nerves, stenosis and spinal cord compression.  If left uncorrected or if the patient chooses to mask his or her symptoms with medication, the injury will likely lead to chronic pain, early spinal degeneration (arthritis) and impairment that will affect their quality of life.   

    Non-surgical spinal decompression has the ability to reverse the effects of most injury types and remiss the progression of continued spinal deterioration and allow the patient to have less pain.  This is important as pain is a limiting factor in just about all areas of life.  Chronic pain sufferers can attest to having more physical limitations, poor sleeping patterns and in some cases depression.  Though it is important to understand that not everyone is a candidate for non-surgical spinal decompression, once the doctor has performed a thorough evaluation he/she will be able to determine if this treatment is right for you.   

    Our chiropractor at Total Health of Naples has had great success treating patients with all types of neck pain using non-surgical spinal decompression.  Utilizing state of the art technology, our doctor implements protocols for acute, sub-acute and chronic neck pain sufferers.  Patients feel comfortable to know that our chiropractor has advanced training in clinical neurology and that he understands the various injury types and proper conservative treatment standards.  Don’t continue to suffer with neck pain, call today to schedule your consultation to see if non-surgical spinal decompression is right for your neck pain.  Total Health of Naples can be reached at 239-260-1426 

    Total Health of Naples
    Greentree Professional Center
    10661 Airport-Pulling Road, Suite 11
    Naples, FL 34109

    Tuesday, May 28, 2013

    Chiropractic Physicians Help Create Healthy Workplaces

    Arlington, Va.—Chiropractic physicians are ready to provide key support to patients who are trying to create healthy working environments, according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). This reminder comes as communities across the country this week observe National Public Health Week (NPHW), which promotes creating a healthy workplace on Wednesday, April 3.
    The theme of NPHW 2013—“Public Health is ROI: Save Lives, Save Money"—promotes the value of prevention and the importance of well-supported public health systems in preventing disease, saving lives and curbing health care spending. For more than 100 years, the chiropractic profession has promoted prevention as a key component of health and wellness, and a growing body of research shows that chiropractic services reduce health care spending.

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2011 musculoskeletal disorders made up 33 percent of all work-related injury and illness cases. When considering the impact of proper ergonomics on workplace safety, ACA stresses three basic principles:

    1.    When lifting, the largest muscles in the area should perform the task. The larger the muscle or muscle group used for lifting, the lower the stress on smaller, more vulnerable muscles.

    2.    During any work activities, people should be able to comfortably assume a number of different postures and not remain in one position for an extended time. Muscles will fatigue and be more prone to injury when assuming a particular posture, especially a poor one (e.g., partially bent forward at the waist).

    3.    When performing tasks, it is important to keep the joints either in their neutral posture or approximately halfway into the range of motion. Working with your joints at the extremes of their ranges of motion for prolonged periods places abnormal stresses on them and can cause repetitive stress injuries.

    “Our bodies are not designed to maintain the same posture for long periods of time or to repeat the same motions endlessly,” said ACA President Keith Overland, DC. “Stretches and exercises can help prevent pain and injury. There are also natural, cost-effective approaches to treating pain, such as chiropractic services, that can help patients avoid unnecessary drugs or surgery.”

    For more information about creating a healthier working environment, please visit ACA’s website for health and wellness tips.

    Since 1995, when the first full week of April was declared NPHW by the American Public Health Association (APHA), communities across the country have recognized the contributions of public health and highlighted issues important to improving public health. APHA creates planning and outreach materials that can be used year round to raise awareness. APHA has featured a section devoted to chiropractic and the role that DCs play in public health since 1995.

    The American Chiropractic Association (ACA), celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2013, is the largest professional association in the United States representing doctors of chiropractic. ACA promotes the highest standards of patient care and professional ethics, and supports research that contributes to the health and well-being of millions of chiropractic patients. Visit

    Our chiropractor at Total Health of Naples focuses on full body kinematics and movement patterns.  He is the leading authority for the Naples, FL area on moving better and injury prevention.  Whether you are looking to get out of pain or prevent it contact 239-260-1426 or go to to schedule your consultation with our doctor.

    Author: American Chiropractic Association
    Source: ACA Online. April 1, 2013.
    Copyright: American Chiropractic Association 2013

    Soda Consumption Linked To Diabetes

    According to a new European study, drinking more than one 12-ounce soda a month can increase your chances of developing diabetes by nearly 23 percent. Researchers at Imperial College London tracked data from 350,000 people in eight European countries. Participants were questioned about their diet, including how many sugary and artificially sweetened soft drinks and juices they drank each day. The researchers found that every 12 fluid ounce sugar-sweetened drink the participants consumed raised their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 22 percent. 12 ounces is the normal serving size of a can of Coca-Cola, Pepsi or other soft drinks. Interestingly, fruit juice consumption was not linked to diabetes incidence. The European study's findings confirm recent research in the US, where several similar studies have linked sugar-sweetened drinks to diabetes and higher body weight. Type 2 diabetes is a long-term condition characterized by insulin resistance. The World Health Organization estimates that currently more than 310 million people worldwide suffer from the disease.

    At Total Health of Naples we address metabolic conditions like diabetes, inflammation, autoimmune and other chronic illnesses.  If you or somebody you know suffers from any of the above mentioned conditions call 239-260-1426 today to schedule your appointment to see if Functional Medicine is right from your condition.

    Source: Diabetologia. April 2013.
    Copyright: LLC 2013